The Society is dedicated to the promotion of gardening and organic vegetable growing as a most rewarding and healthy activity. In the pursuance of this it is our aim to develop the allotments site not only as an area for vegetable growing but also as a learning area where members and the wider community can learn about organic gardening through organised activities, teaching materials. It is also our ambition to further engage with folk interested in plant and vegetable growing thoughout the world via this website.
LOCATION: Countesthorpe is a village located 6 miles south of Leicester in rural surroundings. The allotment site is situated some 200m off the village main street, currently, in open countryside and suffers little from passing traffic noise or exhaust pollution.
ALLOTMENTS: The allotment site is situated at the end of Glebe Drive in Countesthorpe. We have 70 plots. The allotment land is, currently, owned by The Church Commissioners and current plot rents are a very reasonable £35.00 (£40 from October 2025) which is inclusive of water rates + £20.00 deposit for the gate key.
FACILITIES: We have a Secure Container on site, which we use for social and trading purposes. A Compost Toilet onsite. Mains water supply is provided. The site has vehicular access and parking for plot holders. Plot Holders are expected to keep their Plots tidy.
We welcome DOGS on site but they must be kept on their leads at all time and owners to clear up any POO !
Objectives for this year are:-
- Continue organising social events. Especially the CGAS Produce Show.
- Improve our facilities for disabled gardeners.
- Develop the web site.
- Continue to develop and improve our site for heritage fruit trees native to Leicestershire.
- Improve site security.