Thank you to all plot holders, friends and family who attended the Summer social event on 20th August.
Looking back to when we last had a show/social event, it was 5 years ago!
It was good to finally deliver an event to plot holders, friend and family after so many circumstances preventing this from happening over the past 5 years.
Many thanks from the committee to those who attended and everyone involved with setting up, running the even and to the many plot holders who brought along food (we had nothing short of tables resembling a banquet!)
Many thanks are extended to all who donated prizes and bought raffle tickets, with a special thanks to the local companies who donated! Steve & Natalie Pepper, Foxlands Farm for donating 4 Victory Air Show ticket. Amaryllis Hair Salon for donating a cut and finish hair voucher and an anonymous company for donating an array of goodies from their product range!
Aside from the banquet supplied by plot holders, Gill and Tina cooked 60 beef burgers, 42 hot dogs and 4 chops! All cooked on the allotment societies new gas BBQ! Everything was eaten, so we don’t think anyone went home hungry!?
We are pleased to announce that the sale of raffle tickets came in at a total of £168, with all proceeds going into the allotment society fund.
There was lots to get involved with on the day, including the annual trophy presentation, music, eating, Bee hive presentation and a colouring competition for the children! The results of the competition are below:
1st Place – Maddie, Granddaughter of John McGowan, Plot 48.
2nd Place – Alex Denton, Son of Zsuzi & Rob Denton, Plot 39.
3rd Place – Alfie, Son of Andy & Chloe Whitmore, Plots 25 & 55
4th Place – Aryanna, Granddaughter of John McGowan, Plot 48.
A Massive thank you goes to all who turned up on Sunday morning to help dismantle the gazebos and pack everything away!
Pictures of the event can be seen in the gallery below.
Lovely day, great company with friends who share the joy of planting & growing!
Many thanks again to all plot holders friends & Family who turned up, 5 long years since we have had an event at the Allotments, due to several Circumstances over the past 5 years, it was good to deliver this summer social event to you all….
Gill & Tony